The Certified Peer Recovery Specialist - Best Practices, Complexities, and Supports
Peer Recovery Specialists are utilized in a host of treatment and health arenas and are integral to services provided in various initiatives supporting those with SUD and MH concerns. The expansion is a net positive for the workforce, but there are challenges and complexities present that require continued assessment, evaluation and improvement at all levels of peer service integration and practice. The lived experience embedded in the Peer Recovery role and work contributes to a unique support relationship with the individuals served and can create a sense of more permeable boundaries at all levels. Maintaining boundaries and providing ethical best practice services must remain at the forefront of the work.
This training will explore and discuss practices and pitfalls that are common for CPRSs at levels of individual professional practice and administrative practices and oversight.
- Explore the state of the field currently
- Discuss current best practices for the CPRS
- Identify common ethical violations and suggestions for prevention
- Review ways to provide adequate peer informed supervision
- Discuss methods of assessment, evaluation and evidence informed improvements in peer and administrative performance

Dr. Thompson is the founder and lead clinician at Empower the Mind LLC in Central Pennsylvania. She provides outpatient mental health, SUD treatment, clinical trainings, and consultation for professionals in the field. Since starting her company in 2012 she has helped to grow, develop, and coordinate several community-based prevention programs such as Connected Together – a community violence prevention program providing free mobile trauma therapy to those in need, Breaking the Cycle, Changing the Future – a SUD peer recovery support program for pregnant and postpartum women which includes consultation for the professionals working with this special population, and Lebanon County Student Assistance Program which provides services to six school districts, the career and technology center and runs a free summer camp for county youth. In 2016 Dr. Thompson was elected to join the Board of Directors for the Pennsylvania Certification Board (PCB). Through her involvement with the board, she has helped to develop and implement statewide best practice trainings for peers and professionals credentialled by the PCB and working in programs licensed by the PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP). Over the last several years she has taught at Harrisburg Area Community College, Alvernia University and Lebanon Valley College. Her passion to help other learn, grow and be well is illustrated through her work daily!