Recertification Application Options

  1. Complete the Recertification Application online. PLEASE NOTE: You must have an approved account to complete the application online.
  2. Download and complete the Recertification Application.  

Click or scroll to see a list of FAQs. If your question is not answered here, email



How do I recertify?
Where can I find the requirements and fee to recertify?
How soon can I recertify?
I am not sure what my expiration date is for my credential. Is there a quick and easy way to find out?
Do I send in copies of my training certificates with my Recertification Application?
Can I recertify on the date my credential expires?
How long after I recertify does it take to receive my new certificate in the mail?
Do I need to provide my Social Security Number on my Recertification Application?
If I am not currently employed or employed in a different field, can I still recertify?
If my employer is paying for my recertification, can they send the payment separately?
Can I fax my Recertification Application?
How am I notified that I have a credential needing to be recertified?
What if I have a name change?  What is required to change my name?
I have more than one credential and they expire on different dates?  Is there any way to align them so they have the same expiration date?
How do I know which credential is my primary credential?
Can I get an extension?
I’m retiring from the field; do I need to recertify?



Is an ethics training required each time I recertify?
How many recertification hours can be from online trainings?
How do I identify if I have the education/training necessary to recertify my credential?
What do I do if my recertification education/training hours have not received prior approval?
Is there a way to find out if my education/training hours are approved?



What if my credential has lapsed?  What is the process to recertify a lapsed credential?
What are the fees if I am recertifying a lapsed credential?
What is the process if I am beyond 12 months of my expiration date of my credential?  Can I still recertify?
If I recertify a lapsed credential, does my expiration date change?



If I am having trouble logging into my online account, what should I do?
I can't log in to my account. What should I do?
I tried to make an online account, but it said “Access Denied”. What should I do?
How can I update my information in my account?



How do I recertify?
There are two methods to recertify. You can use the online recertification process or you can download the PDF of the Recertification Application – both are on the homepage of the website. To use the online recertification method, you must be a registered user of the website.  DCB must approve all online accounts.  Email letting us know you want to be a registered user on the website and we will activate your online account.

Where can I find the requirements and fee to recertify?
Recertification requirements per credential and fees are listed in the Recertification Application.

How soon can I recertify?
The earliest you can recertify is three months prior to your expiration date.

I am not sure what my expiration date is for my credential.  Is there a quick and easy way to find out?
There is a Credential Search on the homepage of the website.  Just put in your information and your credential will appear showing credential held, issue date, expiration date, and credential status.

Do I send in copies of my training certificates with my Recertification Application?
No, training certificates are not to be sent in with your Recertification Application.  Instead, you will list the trainings you have received over the two-year time frame.  If you are randomly selected for a recertification audit, you will be notified in writing and at that time you will be required to submit photocopies of your training certificates. If you send in copies of your certificates of completion for trainings with your Recertification Application, These will not be reviewed at the time of your recertification and will be discarded.

Can I recertify on the date my credential expires?
Yes, but waiting until the day your credential expires does not allow any room for error in recertifying in the event you run into issues, particularly if you are attempting to recertify online.  It is highly recommended that you do not wait until the day your credential expires.

How long after I recertify does it take to receive my new certificate in the mail?
Certificates are only printed about every two weeks so allow at least that much time.

Do I need to provide my Social Security Number on my Recertification Application?
Social Security Numbers are used as a unique identifying number as many certified professionals have the same or very similar names. You are only required to include the last four digits.

If I am not currently employed or employed in a different field, can I still recertify?
Yes, employment is not a requirement for recertification.

If my employer is paying for my recertification, can they send the payment separately?
Yes, however you must be sure that they include your name with or on the check. If it is not included, we have no way to match it up with your Recertification Application. Your recertification will not be processed until payment is received.

Can I fax my Recertification Application?
Yes, but know that faxing is an unreliable technology. Even if you get a confirmation that your fax went through, you should email to confirm receipt.

How am I notified that I have a credential needing to be recertified?
Email notifications are exclusively used. If we do not have a current email address for you, you will not receive any notice.  You are responsible for notifying us if your email address changes. Further, it is always the responsibility of the certified professional to be aware of an expiring credential and to take the necessary steps to recertify on time, regardless of any formal notification.

What if I have a name change?  What is required to change my name?
Acceptable documentation is required to change a name of a certified professional.  Documentation can include a copy of a marriage license, divorce decree, etc.  Click here to complete the Name Change Form.

I have more than one credential and they expire on different dates?  Is there any way to align them so they have the same expiration date?
Yes, you may change a subsequent credential expiration date to match the expiration date of your primary (first) credential. Click here to download the Expiration Date Form.

How do I know which credential is my primary credential?
Look at your certificates and find your issue date. The credential you earned first, is your primary credential.

Can I get an extension?
We do not offer extensions for your expiration date. Unstead, the boards' policy is that everyone is still eligible to recertify a lapsed credential up to 12-months beyond the expiration date.

I’m retiring from the field; do I need to recertify?
Recertification for those who are retiring is optional. An optional Emeritus Status has been established for those who wish to remain connected to DCB. Insert link.



Is an ethics training required each time I recertify?
Yes, a three-hour ethics training is required every two years to recertify for all credentials and six-hours for CPRS.

How many recertification hours can be from online trainings?
There is no limit to the number of hours that are online.

How do I identify if I have the education/training necessary to recertify my credential?
The Recertification Application includes a description of the education/training hours required for each credential. Reviewing the application at least several months prior to your recertification date will help determine if your earned hours are in line with recertification requirements.



What if my credential has lapsed?  What is the process to recertify a lapsed credential?
You can still recertify your lapsed credential up to 12 months beyond your expiration date.  The process is the same.  Complete either the online recertification process or download the PDF of the Recertification Application to complete.

What are the fees if I am recertifying a lapsed credential?
You owe the normal recertification fee for your credential(s) PLUS the lapsed fee.

What is the process if I am beyond 12 months of my expiration date of my credential?  Can I still recertify?
No, you cannot recertify if you are beyond 12 months of your expiration date.  You would have to re-apply/apply anew for your credential meeting all current requirements.  Request a re-application by emailing

If I recertify a lapsed credential, does my expiration date change?
No, your expiration date does not change.  If your lapsed credential expired on 7/15/2024 and you recertify late, your new expiration date will be 7/15/2026.



If I am having trouble logging into my online account, what should I do?
Try a different email address. You need to use the same email address for which you first established your account on the website. If you no longer have access to that email address, email with an updated email address. If you still cannot login, please email us and we can assist you.

I can't log in to my account. What should I do?
First, you must have an activated online account with us. Just because you receive emails from DCB does not mean you have an activated online account. If you do not have an activated online account with DCB, email and ask for assistance. DCB must initiate this activation. If you do have an activated online account, try a different email address. You need to use the same email address for which you first established your account on the DCB website. If you no longer have access to that email address, email with an updated email address. If you still cannot login, please email us and we can assist you.

I tried to make an online account, but it said “Access Denied” what should I do?
Access to accounts on the DCB website are for certified professionals only. Trainings are not tracked through accounts. If you need to confirm registration or attendance at a DCB training email In order to use the online Recertification Application you need to have an account on the DCB website. If you do not have an account, or you are unsure of your username, what email address you used to sign up, or your email address has changed, email You can also download the PDF version of the Recertification Application on the homepage of the website.

How can I update my information in my account?
Only DCB can update your contact information on your account. If you want to change any information, email

General Information

  1. Recertification record keeping is the responsibility of the certified professional. Keep copies of everything submitted.
  2. Education for recertification must be acquired no earlier than two years prior to the applicant’s current expiration date.
  3. Recertification is considered late and lapsed if you are mailing it and it is postmarked after your expiration date or if it is submitted electronically after your expiration date. 
  4. Education not properly verified is not accepted (i.e. certificate, letter of attendance, transcript) must include date of training, number of hours attended, title of training, sponsoring organization, and your name.
  5. Education is defined as formal, structured instruction in the form of workshops, seminars, institutes, in-services, and college/university credit courses and distance learning/online courses.